KATS has been connecting Kansas Teachers of Science for more than 50 years! Officers may be contacted directly by email as follows:
Webmaster: webmaster@kats.org For questions about website operation or problems. If you have information to be posted to the website, it may be sent here. Newsletter: newsletter@kats.org If you have information to be submitted to the KATS newsletter, or comments about an article, send it here. Membership: membership@kats.org Questions about membership should be directed to the membership chair at the above address. Registration: registration@kats.org Questions about registration at upcoming events (KAMP) should be directed to the registration chair. Treasurer: treasurer@kats.org Questions about outstanding bills or invoices should be sent to the treasurer. Secretary: secretary@kats.org The secretary handles routine correspondence for the KATS organization. Any questions or information concerning minutes or agenda items should be sent here. If you do not receive a response from another officer in a reasonable time, please contact the secretary. Vice-president: vice-president@kats.org Anyone planning to attend the spring conference (KAMP) as a vendor should send all inquiries to the vice-president. President-elect: president-elect@kats.org The president elect is responsible for organizing the program and publishing a schedule of events for the spring conference. Past-president: past-president@kats.org Inquiries and information about KATS awards and elections should be forwarded to the past-president. President: president@kats.org For questions or information about KATS as an organization or to volunteer for an office, or for general questions about an upcoming conference, contact the president.