The Kansas Association of Teacher of Science has teamed up with the Cosmosphere to bring the joy of all things STEM to you and your families! This lab-coat-casual professional development opportunity will blend “out of this world” simulators, interactive labs, and engineering challenges that only the Cosmosphere can provide along side cutting edge classroom teaching techniques and strategies offered by Kansas educators. These simulations and activities are not open to the public and recommended for children age 10 and up. So, if you want to experience the Cosmosphere at maximum Gs, the KATS in the Cosmos Fall Event is for you!
Conference Information:
Check in starts at 8:15am
Sessions run from 9am-4pm with lunch included.
Members Single Price $55
Members Bringing Friends $40
Friends of Members $40
Pre-service Teacher $10 (must be a KATS member)
Family Members $10 (Covers lunch)
Non-Member Price $90
Conference Sneak Peak & Friend Discounts:
Rube Goldberg 1.5 - 3 hours. Build a Rube Goldberg Machine that plants a flag into the lunar surface.
Past, Present & Future Missions to the Moon 1 hour. Mission control must communicate to the astronauts the solution to fixing the carbon dioxide filter. Based on the Apollo 13 disaster. Will you be able to fix it before time runs out?
Simulated space mission in the Astralis Capsule 30 minutes/team of 5 (we can only run up to 5 people at a time during a mission. For 20 people, this would take 2 hours). Run a simulated mission to low Earth orbit in our Astralis capsule.
Astronaut Training Simulators 1 hour. Train like an astronaut in our 4G centrifuge and feel the change in Gs that an astronaut would experience during a typical rocket launch. Feel what it would be like in an out of control tumble in a spacecraft in our Multi Axis Trainer. Learn some basic Russian and use the same Soyuz simulator used by former astronauts to train for their own missions.
Lunar Landers 1 hour. Build a model of a lunar lander that houses 6 astronaut marshmallows. Your goal is to design a lunar lander that will help these astronauts land safely on the surface after a very long drop.
Battery Challenge 1 hour. Experiment with building a battery using different types of metals and electrolytes. Test to see the best combination in a battery modeled after Volta's very first battery.
Battlebots 1.5 hours. Use EV3s to battle it out in the ring. Will you build an offensive or defensive robot? Last robot in the ring wins.
Museum Tour 1 hour. Guided tour through our museum with a focus on the Space Race.
Drones 1.5 - 3 hours. Learn the basics of flying a drone, and practice drone photography.
Bring Your Friends Discount:
KATS members who bring guests will receive a discount for themselves and each of their guests! Just team up with a member, give them your information to be a guest, and you’ll both receive the discount. See details upon registering.
Pre-Service & Student Teacher Special:
Do you have a student teacher or work with pre-service teachers? A KATS membership is all it takes for them to have access to this conference AND the April KATS Kamp at an ultra low price. Not to mention that Student Teachers and Pre service teachers will also receive a separate meet-up session and gift bag upon registration.
Here are a couple of important notes:
- Guest discounts WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR, so please pre-register.
- Members with guests must include the names of their guests in their registration.
- Program schedule will be announced via registrants email.
- Make your plans, update your membership or find a member to sponsor you and look forward to great day of science teaching fellowship and science teaching ideas.